If you become rich, you’ll help the world with better products and services, more jobs, and the charity that you voluntarily share with your neighbors in need, not because it was taken from you, but because your care about your fellow man.
Tell me, is it “right” that the government used your money to bailout rich Wall Street executives and give CEOs golden parachutes?
– You say: “I am really getting tired of hearing the whiners (even in this blog) that want to hide behind what the government does wrong or some other imperfection in the system as an excuse for them to NOT do the right thing.”
Wouldn’t the “right” thing be to reduce taxes so that you can give that money DIRECTLY to the people that need it, rather than have it filtered through many hands that don’t?
I agree with Mark (and wish I had as big of a problem as he does) but I have 60 employees from three different businesses that I started from scratch,(and a fourth in development now), I do gulp when I pay my taxes. I even agree that my taxes should be higher. I don’t like writing the big quarterly tax checks but I do know it is the right thing to do. And I believe it goes further. I provide heath care to my employees. Not because it is mandated in my state (it is not) or because I get less turnover in my company than others in my sector (which I do) but because it is the right thing to do. The people that work for me are not my tools but in a military sense, part of my unit, and under my command. How can you not take care of your own in this world?
That means that they don’t want to hire high school drop outs that can barely add to put a bolt in a hole on an assembly line for $60,000 with benefits when they can pay the reasonable wage for such an unproductive lout
I am really getting tired of hearing the whiners (even in this blog) that want to hide behind what the government does wrong or some other imperfection in the system as an excuse for them to NOT do the right thing. If you believe there are problems with waste in government or that clean air or other regulations are inadequate or not being enforced, get involved! Do something about that too. But first, even before you take your own well deserved big ass salary, pay your taxes, make sure your employees are ensured if they get sick and be a good corporate citizen by recycling, using less energy, cutting your companies pollution etc. We are all part of an ecosystem that works best when we all do a few simple things like be caring people, be good citizens, and run a smart business that looks at everything that is important in life rather than just looking at what makes it into your own pocket. If you are not already running a business like that it is really easy to get started, just pay more attention to what you can do than what someone else is not doing. A nice side benefit is you will get a good night sleep without having to hide behind excuses for why the selfish things you do are justified.
Linda Nelson: Yes, those jobs are not coming back. But others are being created. But the US is too busy feeling entitled and freeloading to WORK. So the jobs go elsewhere because the rational person generates the most amount of profit from his work as possible.
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